The most useful shouts in Skyrim include:
This shout is considered the most reliable and iconic shout in the game16. It can send enemies flying, stunning them for several seconds, and can be used to knock enemies off high ledges36. It is also very easy to find all three parts of this shout5.
This shout gives the Dragonborn immense control, allowing them to avoid damage from enemies and traverse terrain quickly2.
This shout propels the Dragonborn forward, helping them avoid traps, make daring jumps, and escape dangerous situations1. It can also be used for quick travel24.
This shout forces dragons to land, making them easier to defeat1. It is considered essential in certain situations2.
Considered the strongest offensive shout, Marked for Death applies a debuff that reduces enemy armor and deals damage over time1.
This shout allows the Dragonborn to control animals, people, and even dragons, and even ride dragons as mounts1.
Dragon Aspect buffs the Dragonborn’s attack power, armor rating, shout damage, and resistances, while also decreasing shout recharge time12.
Aura Whisper allows the Dragonborn to see through walls, detecting foes lurking in hidden areas, including the undead, daedra, and animunculi1.