Roblox password guessing is a technique used to gain unauthorized access to other users' accounts23. It involves repeated attempts to guess a password until the correct one is found, a method known as "brute-forcing"123. This is prohibited by Roblox's Community Guidelines13.
Attackers make repeated attempts to guess passwords until they find the correct one23.
Attackers send fake emails or messages that appear legitimate to trick users into revealing their passwords or other sensitive information23. These may include links to fake websites that look real3.
Attackers gather information from a victim's social media profiles, such as email addresses, dates of birth, or names of family members, and use this information to guess their passwords23.
Skilled hackers create malware or spyware and inject it into the user’s system through malicious links, files, or software to steal sensitive information23.
Attackers can steal your cookies by tricking you into clicking on phishing links, opening malicious files, or downloading harmful software. With your cookies, they can bypass login security measures4.
Common targets of password guessing include2:
Roblox administrators
Well-known game developers
Popular YouTubers
Roblox Video Stars Program users
Clothing designers
Users with special ID numbers
Users with many rare items
Old users
To protect your Roblox account from password guessing, consider the following measures23: