


Takemichi is a 26-year-old unemployed virgin who learns that the girl he dated in middle school, the only girl he ever dated, has died. Then, after an accident he finds himself in a time leap back to his middle school years. He vows to change the future and save the girl, and to do that he aims to rise to the top of the Kanto region's most brutal delinquent gang.


  • The original Japanese title contains the manji symbol, so it will not be removed from the title on MangaDex.
  • Addendum on the "Manji" for those uninformed. From Seven Seas' Omnibus Edition: "In East Asia the manji (卍) is an ancient religious symbol of power and good fortune for many different countries and religions around the world, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and a number of Indo-European and Native American religions as well."

"The specific meaning of the symbol varies by nation and religion, and also by the position of the "arms" of the cross--whether they face left or right, or whether the cross is tilted or straight." "In the 1930s, the swastika symbol--a clockwise, tilted cross--was adopted by the Nazi Political Party in Germany, and gained a negative reputation as a symbol of hatred in the modern world." "The manji used by the Tokyo Manji Gang as their emblem is intended to be the ancient Buddhist symbol, as evidenced by the appearance of its counterclockwise, straight arms..."


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